Here’s an iPhone 4 story that doesn’t involve the antenna. Springwise has spotted the first TV commercial filmed and edited entirely on the iPhone 4.
Icon Creates Passion-Driven Products…
The New York Times did a story (“What Price Perfection? The $80,000 Army Jeep”) about Jonathan Ward, the 40-year-old owner of ICON, a company that is rebuilding Army jeeps with aircraft-quality parts. It referenced how Mr. Ward refers to ICON as a restoration business. “Restoration” does not begin to describe… more »
Buck’s Cafe Buzzes with Dealmaking Breakfasts…
The San Jose Mercury News ( just did a story about how Buck’s cafe in Woodside, California is again buzzing with the sound of deals being made. “There is more activity on the venture capital front. There is renewed enthusiasm,” said Jamis MacNiven, who co-owns the restaurant with his wife,… more »
LEGO Version of England vs. U.S. World Cup Match
In case you missed the FIFA World Cup match between England and the United States, here is a re-enactment of the highlights (lowlights?) using LEGOs. The U.S. got a historic result, a 1-1 draw with England to open the 2010 World Cup for both sides. Steven Gerrard opened the scoring… more »
First Ever Unboxing: Well-Contained Outdoorsman
Seems like unboxing videos are quite common on the Web. Most of the time, they have to do with some new fancy gadget. This is an extension of that concept. Introducing “The Well-Contained Outdoorsman.” In order to be able to take off at a moment’s notice, he has come up… more »