Artist Rendering: Allegory of Complacency – A Ponderable…

I’ve always like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave because demonstrates so well the way much of the world works — where shadows become reality. It takes courage to take the steps to seek out the light and pursue “true things.” I am reminded of what John Steinbeck said about Ed… more »

Ness Notes: CrossFit – The Health Benefits…

Previously we covered an intro to CrossFit, CrossFit kids and the basic movement and tools that are used in it. Today I want to discuss the overall health benefits and positive mental changes you will see in doing this sport. CrossFit can be done at home or at a gym…. more »

When Badminton Goes Bad…

This week, the Badminton World Federation suspended eight players from the Olympics for attempting to lose early matches to get better draws in the elimination rounds. The players represented China, Indonesia and South Korea. The story was widely covered in the media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal which may… more »

Ness Notes: CrossFit 101 — What is it?

Having provided an overview of the craze that’s sweeping the nation, I figured I should spend some time trying to break it down so you have a true sense of CrossFit. I think of it as a blended sport, that just so happens to be a great way to get… more »

Small is Fearless: MINI USA Ad Shows Olympic Spirit…

MINI USA has a really cool commercial out that plays up its small stature. The visuals are quick cuts: A short boy faces off against a tall boy on a dirt backyard soccer pitch. A short mixed martial arts fighter goes against a tall one in a dark cage. A… more »