46 seconds of fun! Nike Revolution Ad

How about turning exercise into a video game?  That’s a sure way to get people off the couch.  Two new ads from Wieden + Kennedy (Portland) for Nike+ FuelBand show just how much fun “moving” can be. For those unfamiliar with the concept, Nike+ FuelBand was designed to track your… more »

ChalkCar Stimulates the Inner Artist…

Mike Kepka featured the “ChalkCar” in his “The City Exposed” column that ran over the weekend. Grant Gordon, the owner of a 2001 Toyota Echo, has turned his vehicle into a movable chalkboard / art installation. At least once a week, armed with a box of chalk, he heads to… more »

Goldfish: An Amazing Artist Rendering…

My friend, Sarai, brought this to my attention. It is 3D like you’ve never experienced it before. Japanese artist / craftsman, Riusuke Fukahori uses a complex process of poured resin to paint three-dimensional goldfish. In this video, you get to see how the fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer…. more »

We All Can Benefit from Herm’s NFL Rookie Advice

The headline shouted, “49ers linebacker Aldon Smith stabbed at party.” The first thought that crossed my mind was, did it happen after midnight? According to the story in the San Francisco Chronicle, “Deputies responded to a 911 call at 2:14 a.m. Saturday. The caller reported multiple gunshots came from a… more »

Berkeley Bassist Talks Music, Synergy and Connecting…

On Friday, a benefit was held for Berkeley, Calif-based musician Kurt Ribak at Armando’s of Martinez. Ribak (pronounced REE-bok, like the shoes) was severely injured in an automobile accident on June 19. The extensive injuries to his left arm & hand mean that Ribak, a bassist, will be unable to… more »