Take a Break! Good for Creativity & Productivity…

Phyllis Korkki’s Workstation column (“To Stay on Schedule, Take a Break”) in the Sunday New York Times recently covered the importance of taking breaks. A growing body of evidence shows that taking regular breaks from mental tasks improves productivity and creativity — and that skipping breaks can lead to stress… more »

Loving What You Do and Covering the Nut…

There was a really good point was made in Adam Davidson’s “It’s the Economy” column which appears on Sundays in The New York Times Magazine. He was discussing the survival of mom-and-pop shops in the Greenwich Village. In fact, he set out on a mission to find out how in… more »

Smashing Approach to Learning What’s in a Klondike Bar…

A funny thing happened on my way to research my MLB “No Han” rant, I stumbled onto an ad that was awesome in the lower right corner for Klondike’s Flavor Chamber. Nice name. But what it really stands for is Smash the Klondike Bar or Choco Taco to see what’s… more »

Impressive! Tiger Nails ‘unbelievable, gutsy shot’ on 16th…

There are two annoying phrases that are uttered whenever Tiger plays. Someone in the crowd will yell, “In the hole!” after every shot. The other, after a win, is “Tiger’s back.” On Sunday, at the Memorial golf tournament played on “Jack’s course” — Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio… more »

Looking for the No-Hitter on YouTube? MLB Says No Way!

Two days later, everyone is buzzing about Johan Santana’s no-hitter. It was the first in the Mets 50 plus years of existence. I followed the game’s progress on Twitter while BARTing back from San Francisco. Today, I decided to do a Google search to see if I can find some… more »