Twitter Unveils New Features with Clever Video…

Twitter picked a clever way to unveil its new features and way of thinking. Clearly the move is to make the service more relevant. A story by AdAge‘s Irina Slutsky noted how Twitter’s CEO, Evan Williams described the service as an information network– one built to help users communicate and… more »

Ready for a Transcendent Experience?

Sometimes you just need to get away from it all… transcend the chaos and noise of the day-to-day, matters of consequence. Thanks to the fine work of Bill (“Billy”) Fitzgerald, here’s your chance. His “Balloons over Egypt” piece is fantastic!

It runs just under 5-minutes. Enjoy!

Wee! GEICO Enlists Little Piggy…

This GEICO commercial is particularly hilarious. ###

Copy That… Xerox New Campaign Starts Sept. 7

In an attempt to re-invent, re-position itself, Xerox is kicking off its most expensive advertising campaign in two decades to promote its business service offerings, which now account for half of its revenue. The ads focus on Xerox’s relationships with six clients like Procter & Gamble Co., Target Corp., and… more »

Chip Tracker Shows Where Snacks Originated…

Frito-Lay is proud of the fact that Lay’s chips are made from potatoes grown by farmers (more than 80 farms from 27 states) across America. Springwise had a story that talked about the new Chip Tracker that is available online which lets consumers trace where a particular bag of chips… more »