The Wandering Mind: It’s a Good Thing…

An interesting story appeared in the Science section of the New York Times a short while back. John Tierney wrote about the virtues of a wandering (daydreaming) mind. Just to clarify, when you’re trying to accomplish one thing and lapse into “task-unrelated thoughts,” that’s mind wandering. His story included comments… more »

Buck’s Cafe Buzzes with Dealmaking Breakfasts…

The San Jose Mercury News ( just did a story about how Buck’s cafe in Woodside, California is again buzzing with the sound of deals being made. “There is more activity on the venture capital front. There is renewed enthusiasm,” said Jamis MacNiven, who co-owns the restaurant with his wife,… more »

iPhone 4 Antenna Issues Prompt Creativity…

There have been all kinds of really creative posts ever since the antenna issue with the iPhone 4 came to light.  Apparently there’s a “bumper” for that.  Apple said — you’re holding it the wrong way! There was a cartoon. And a Rap video… And a play off of WSJ/All… more »

World Cup Watching via the Palm Pre…

Last week, ESPN said the Wednesday morning FIFA World Cup match between the United States and Algeria — in which the Americans scored a dramatic goal in stoppage time to earn a 1-0 win and a spot in the Round of 16 — was the highest-rated and most-watched soccer game… more »

An Close Encounter With Greatness…

The ad ran in The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. Great timing considering the level of interest in the 2010 FIFA World Cup had ratcheted up considerably with the United States making just made it into the “knockout round” the day before (See “The Americans Have Landed” which appeared on… more »