I’ll Take Manhattan… Timberland CEO Says “Cool!”

The individual matters, said Jeffrey Swartz. His questions of candidates and new hires reinforce that.

Jedemi Presents: Kitty Proximity

This cartoon is pretty funny…

Blending Quality of Life and Fresh, Seasonal Food

I stumbled upon an old issue of Fortune Small Business the other day and found a very inspiring story about how Alice Waters started Chez Panisse. It talked about the challenges she had back in 1971 when she first opened in her place in Berkeley, California. “In no time I… more »

Talkin’ Palm Pixi First Impressions…

The Palm Pixi, the sibling of the Palm Pre, started shipping in November. Reviewers have been weighing in over the last couple of weeks. Most complain about the Pixi’s speed (due to its slower processor). Others rip on it because there’s no WiFi. The screen size and resolution was bothersome… more »

Gap’s Happy Whateveryouwannakah Ad is Cheery and Fun

Updated (originally published Nov 16) The Gap has packaged up the spirit of the ad campaign and taken it on the road.  Per a story appearing in MediaPost,  a dozen professional dancers and drummers have hit the road as part of the Gap’s traveling cheer squad. “The company says the… more »