AWSI Musings: McDs Shakes Things Up with Shamrock Shake-Friendly STRAW…

Who knew you needed a STRAW to fully enjoy the new limited edition Shamrock Shakes at McDonald’s? See what the team of engineers invented…

AWSI Musings: Snickers SI Swimsuit Issue Takeover is Quite Clever…

Snicker’s “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign found an awesome vehicle to garner attention — the back cover and the inside back cover of SI’s swimsuit issue…

Help Desk Utility Player Available…

Great “go-to” person who’d be an asset to your team — The ultimate utility player. For all your business needs (from IT / Help Desk support to strategic marketing and communications). She has the know-how, energy, enthusiasm and thrives on challenges.

AWSI Musings: Psyched ‘Bout Super Snackadium …

Check out the Snackadium — an Super Bowl tradition which inspires…

AWSI Musings: We Dig What Simms Sez…

Super Simms inspires with tale of his upbringing and his papers…