A very visually, powerful tribute to Prince appeared on The Little Prince Official Facebook page. We are especially impressed with the labors of love that appear on that page. Truly inspiring. Read on about the two princes.
NVC the 0424 Edition: Classic Thread, Queen, Prince, Winter & Necessities…
In this edition, what you’ll find here is classic, classic and more classic. Truly! We kid you not. The thread will take you from chilly ballparks to jungle to… the lobby of a Holiday Inn to view a lounge act.
Dear Netflix – The Little Prince Movie & Next Step Ponderables…
We were extremely excited to hear the news that Netflix had “saved” The Little Prince movie that Paramount yanked from distribution last month. The Amazon news yesterday prompted us to accelerate documenting our thoughts on audience engaging opportunities for that awesome movie.
AWSI: The Masters, Spieth Splash(es) and Shaking it off…
It’s gonna be alright. Spieth splashes twice and four-putts his way off the lead at The Masters. Definitely not a choke. Annie takes over the Gang’s AWSI to provide her thoughts.
SCMF Musings: Start the Presses Video – Dubs 73-Wins…
This is a cool, behind-the-scenes look at the printing of The San Francisco Chronicle’s special salute to the Warriors 73rd win. Yes, print as in hard copy newspaper…