AWSI: Crunching On is a Good Thing, But…

Almonds are good for you.  We know that.  A handful of “toast ’til toasted” almonds can do wonders for maintaining your energy level. We were amused by this ad promoting California almonds that appeared in Sunset Magazine’s October 2014 issue.   That energizer almond kid certainly was an eye catcher… more »

Get it Now: Taming of Viv on Kindle and iBook…

We are thrilled to announce that “The Taming of Viv” is now available in Amazon Kindle format. Just click here. For those with an iPad, please give our multi-touch demo a try. You can find it here. You can also test drive the preview serialized edition here on the website…. more »

Who Ya Gonna Call? Jedemi Introduces DragonBustRs Logo

With the help of an extremely talented artist (Mark Hill of Hill Cartoons and Humorous Illustrations), we have come up with a really cool logo that sums up what Jedemi is really about. In essence, if you are going to “Follow your bliss,” then you need to be prepared for… more »

Help Wanted Update- Taming of Viv Needs Eyeballs…

Quick update (1 September 14): New resources are available! There is an IMDB list of movies referenced in Viv.  You can find them here. We’ve made a Spotify playlist of the songs the Enchanted Jukebox played or were talked about in Viv.  Hopefully you can link to it from here…. more »

ASWI – Shellraiser is a Keeper…

As appalling as it may be to think that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise is pushing toys for pre-schoolers, we’ve deemed the product highlighted on page 18 of the Sunday Target ad post-worthy. The Shellraiser vehicle from Playmates Toy has bells and whistles (or as the ad copy states,… more »