AWSI: Twinkies are a Survivor Thanks to the Brand Whisperer…

Thanks to Brand Whisperer, Metropoulos, Hostess and Twinkies are surviving and thriving with an IPO coming soon. Also, look for fried Twinkies in a Wal-Mart near you. The playbook sounded familiar to us…

SCMF Musings: Big Boy vs. Big Boy – Who Knew?

A Big Boy is a Big Boy is a Big Boy, right? Not exactly. We discovered the makeover in this headline was NOT the Big Boy we thought…

SCMF Musings: Is $8 Cereal the New $4 Toast?

Has hipster toast given way to gourmet cereal? Kellogg’s to offer playful recipes in their Times Square cafe opening July 4.

SCMF Musings: A Talking Steering Wheel??

A #SCMF discovery — Turner the talking steering wheel meet Chevron’s talking cars and Pixar’s “Cars.” While you are at it, check out some Aardman stop motion animation…

NVC the 0626 Edition: Pairings LEGO, Porsche, Tesla, Paris Beers, Crayola and More…

Playful pairings rule this edition of NVC. Cars, beer, retail and drawing therapy. Ads that entertain and a theme song revisited —I’m not afraid…