Take a Break! Good for Creativity & Productivity…

Phyllis Korkki’s Workstation column (“To Stay on Schedule, Take a Break”) in the Sunday New York Times recently covered the importance of taking breaks. A growing body of evidence shows that taking regular breaks from mental tasks improves productivity and creativity — and that skipping breaks can lead to stress… more »

Smashing Approach to Learning What’s in a Klondike Bar…

A funny thing happened on my way to research my MLB “No Han” rant, I stumbled onto an ad that was awesome in the lower right corner for Klondike’s Flavor Chamber. Nice name. But what it really stands for is Smash the Klondike Bar or Choco Taco to see what’s… more »

Oh, oh Domino! Luggage the Star of Southwest Ad…

This is fun and memorable. Now that I ear-wormed you, you can listen to the Van Morrison song here. ###

Playing with Pinterest… The Tam Pictures

Source: Uploaded by user via Annie on Pinterest

Oklahoma! Apparently Not OK in China…

Oklahoma! Not OK in China I was reading the weekend version of The Wall Street Journal when I came upon a surprising story out of Beijing. According to the author of the piece, Wayne Ma, about an hour before the curtain was to go up on the opening of a… more »