On Saturday, Scott Adams snuck an interesting ponderable into his Dilbert comic strip. Check it out. What do you think?
Showing Some Spunk — Palm Ad Take on Apple
On the back page of Friday’s Wall Street Journal, Palm had a full page ad that had to make Mr. Jobs uncomfortable, not to mention AT&T’s brass. “Your iPhone contract is up. Perfect timing” is how it leads off. The picture of an apple core with a Palm Pre leaning… more »
Background on Jedemi Cafe
Just found out that you can make a little movie out of a PowerPoint presentation. Click on the words in bold to get to an overview of what Jedemi is about: jedemiCafe09_V2 And when you are done, just hit the back key on your browser. If you want a copy… more »
Finger Painting App Covers The New Yorker
Another means for expressing your inner creative has been gaining quite a bit of buzz. The cover of the June 1 issue of the New Yorker magazine was created by the iPhone app artist Jorge Colombo, using Brushes. Developed by Steve Sprang, it is a natural media painting application designed… more »