Shirts Off for Southwest’s Bags Fly Free Ad

If you watched any of the March Madness NCAA basketball games, you mostly had a chance to view a very delightful ad that Southwest was running to promote their “Bags Fly Free” policy. It is rare for me to call something delightful, but this one was clever and brilliant and… more »

Mad Men Barbie Dolls?

According to a story by Stuart Elliott of The New York Times, Mattel has plans to add “Mad Men” inspired Barbie and Ken dolls to their line.  He said it was “a promotion for the television series as well as for Barbie.” Now before you go off wondering if little… more »

Twitter-Powered Popcorn Machine

This is pretty darn clever. Dave Britt and Justin Goeres came up with a way to make popcorn one Tweet at a time. The video below explains it. It was their entry for the Fireworks Popcorn’s “Creative Pop 2010!” contest, which they won. They used a custom LabVIEW program which… more »

GSP Does Chicken Right…

Goodby Silverstein & Partners (GSP) scored big time during the 2010 Super Bowl with its “Screamin’ Chicken” ads for Denny’s.  A story appearing on Monday in The Wall Street Journal said, “A Denny’s commercial, in which chickens scream in terror at the thought of the eggs needed to support the… more »

Super Bowl Ad Watch: Go Daddy Does it Again

The CEO and Founder of, Bob Parsons, has to be having a chuckle over this one. Traction gained from banned ad is priceless.