Getting to Know the Author: S&S Paves the Way…

Here’s an interesting concept that The Wall Street Journal’s Jeffrey Trachtenberg wrote about on Monday. Publisher Simon & Schuster (S&S) is using video interviews to promote its authors. It isn’t what you think. There’s an element of interactivity involved. The authors are answering reader questions sent by email. But the… more »

Getting Feisty: BMW Billboard Answers Audi’s

2011 is definitely turning into an interesting year for the auto industry. No more moaning and groaning. This time, it is all about being feisty. feist·y [fahy-stee] –adjective, feist·i·er, feist·i·est. 1. full of animation, energy, or courage; spirited; spunky; plucky: The champion is faced with a feisty challenger. Yeah, it… more »

Watson Won But Didn’t Know It…

In the Opinion section of The Wall Street Jounral, John Searle, professor of philosophy at Cal, wrote a piece titled, Watson Doesn’t Know It Won on ‘Jeopardy!’ that was an interesting take on the highly publicized matchup between the IBM computer and human contestants. “Watson did not understand the questions,… more »

Oatmeal: The Right Thing all Wrong…

You may have it permanently embedded in your brain that oatmeal is “the right thing to do.” That’s what Wilford Brimley told us, right? McDonald’s would like you to think so too with its “bowl full of wholesome.” But Mark Bittman of The New York Times begs to differ. In… more »

The Pilot of the Jedemi Chronicles

The following is the pilot of the Jedemi Chronicles. Since there is no money to fund the filming of it yet, we took the cost effective route and blocked the story using PowerPoint. Enjoy! Taming of the Suit: How it Happened One Night View more presentations from Annie Gladue. Point… more »