Archives for 2010

Doin’ the Dougie…

The weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal featured a story about “The Dougie” which is a celebratory dance that is popular across the sports world, from college pep rallies to the gridirons of the NFL. Based on a series of moves described in the hit song “Teach Me How… more »

What’s up Doc? Rabbits Trade-Up Carrots for Cars…

File this story under “Strange but True.” Looks like it is rabbit season at Denver International Airport (DIA). After leaving his new VW Jetta in the Pike’s Peak parking lot for nine days, a traveler returned to find it wouldn’t start. “You didn’t just pick the car up from the… more »

Chevy Influences Early Start Time of World Series 3rd Game

Here’s a move that brings back a jingle that has tons of ear-worm potential. GM’s Chevrolet, which has long been associated with baseball, hot dogs and apple pie, has somehow gotten Major League Baseball and Fox to start Game Three of the World Series at 6:57 p.m. ET on Saturday,… more »

Opportunity Knocks with Fade-Out of Video Stores…

On Thursday, there was a story in The Wall Street Journal that talked about how “technology is killing the video-rental store–and a piece of American culture with it.” While reading about Alan’s Alley Video, run by Alan Sklar in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood for nearly two dozen years, I am reminded… more »

Unpacking Imagination – Endless Possibilities…

In the Sunday Opinion section of The New York Times, there was a full page story titled, “Unpacking Imagination.”  Written by David Rockwell, the president of the Rockwell Group, an architecture and design firm, it talks about creating the Imagination Playground in Lower Manhattan. It is a playground with lots… more »