Pondering Paris, Piaf and Dion…

Blown away! That captures TC’s feelings regarding the opening of the Paris Olympics and the appearance of Celine to close out the 3+ hour event. Read on! – the editor

I cannot remember the last time I watched the opening ceremonies of the Summer or Winter Olympics. Due to mitigating circumstances, I watched them Live on NBC’s streaming Partner, Peacock. The host city, Paris France, did not disappoint, using the assets of the city to expose the world to the wonders of Paris. A highly romantic city, a citadel of fashion, and the world’s art museum. It is VERY French.

The great thing about traveling is experiencing things that are different, witness new cultures and revisiting them as well.

Taking yourself out of your comfort zone can be exhilarating, while bestowing anxiety as well. Especially when you witness with non-open minds (experience with a closed mind — AKA ugly American).

Notable Bits of France…

Never been there (mostly an arm chair traveler when it comes to Europe), but to me the essence was very much captured during the Opening Ceremonies with the following notables:

  • The Seine River was the world’s runway. The world’s red carpet, that led to Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. This is something our “fake” Paris in Las Vegas cannot pull off.
  • The huge boats going up the Seine transported the athletes of the world to what was set up as a makeshift stadium with a runway shaped as a silhouette of it’s host, The Eiffel Tower. The run of the torch went the same way, with a steer off to the Louvre, with assistance of many French born athletes.
  • The floor show was to be had over many famous spots along the river, including a full blown fashion show on famous bridges over the Seine, to an impromptu performance, French style, by Lady Gaga.

Best for Last! Indeed!!

I must say that the night ended not only with a spectacularly lit torch floating over Paris, but with the Eiffel Tower as the ultimate stage, a performance of a classic Edith Piaf song rendered by the world’s own Celine Dion.
Hymne A L’Amour ! The world stopped and listened.

History was being made.

Considering Celine Dion had to postpone a new residency here in Las Vegas due to her health issues, it was amazing how incredible she was .

[She’s back! Vegas! Resorts World…]

Dion invoked the French Chanteuse Edith Piaf to perform a classic hymn.

[Read more here]

I honestly felt my late parents sitting next to me weeping on how beautiful her song was.

NBC commentator Kelly Clarkson had to compose herself, she also was overcome on her performance, and what it took Celine to get to that night.

I must have watched the clip on YouTube 20 times that night…

See “the clip” here as embedding is not allowed.

That’s a Wrap…

Honestly… ’nuff said. The performance? The audience was listening and obviously moved. It was a wave of solidarity and respect. To say grown men wept was an understatement. She was that good and that sincere. That sincerity was something the world needed this summer.

Thanks for reading, listening and pondering with me. —TC

Bonus Clips…

Sorry but you have to click away if you want to see Lady Gaga’s full performance at the Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony | NBC Sports

Editor’s Bonus Clip…



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