Pondering a Positive Attitude and Totie.…

This one is special. This one I held. But now, one month after TC’s life-changer, as he is well into the process of functioning on a new and different level, it is time. Read on to learn what inspired TC… – the editor

[submitted on 24 May]

This June is going to be a unique month for me. Read on to see why.
Having a medical condition can be very depressing. Trying to keep an optimistic attitude while facing adversity, while not easy, can make a huge difference.

So here I am, facing a life changing surgery during June.

All roads have been leading me to Totie Fields.

Totie Fields?

Totie was a unique comedian from the 60’s and 70’s, making many television appearances on Ed Sullivan, The Lucy Show, Merv Griffin, Carol Burnett, game shows, you name it.

I am thinking hard who I can compare Totie to. She could sing, tell a funny story, and make you laugh.

The closest current comedian I with a similar storytelling style is Tiffany Haddish.


Try this:

Great example of how one compelling storyteller can take you on a hysterical journey.

Back to Totie…

Totie was a broad! If she was taller, she could have been Divine’s stunt double. Big hair, 60’s baby-doll dress, and a mouth. She did not curse, but you KNEW she was there.

Why is Totie significant? This woman had some serious medical issues during her life, especially during the mid 70’s. As a result, she had to have her leg amputated. This could have been a “death knell” to her entertainment career, however…

But she did not give up!

One of the earliest HBO comedy specials [a Standing Room Only series] called “Totie Returns.”
Episode aired Jun 26, 1977 [full episode link]

It was filmed on a set at The Sahara Hotel Casino in Vegas.

The producers chartered a Hughes Airwest 727(!) and filled it with a trove of celebrities to be the audience for her first appearance onstage after her limb loss.

Sporting a new prosthesis, Totie didn’t move much, but she did entertain. Back then, it was tough not to be distracted but the elephant in the room, or the limb that was not there.

She got up on that stage and delivered what the title states: RETURN

Circling Back to Me & How this Connects…

So in June, I will be facing an amputation. Life-changing… yes.

Am I returning to the stage?

Probably not, but I can believe that it IS possible.

I can return, just like Totie!

The return for me, keeping it simple, starts with:

  • To function in my home, take care of myself, and get independent again
  • Next step (literally), will be a stroll in Albertsons, Wal-Mart, Target, Trader Joes, and Marshalls (to name a few).

Also on my list:

  • Visiting a locals casino to play a little,
  • Watch a movie (in a theater!)
  • Dine-in, also a goal.

The ultimate goal?

  • Back to traveling as I really miss going places to visit with friends and family.

As I mentally prepare myself for the journey ahead, I know I’ve already beat Totie at one thing: She never lived passed her 40’s. I just turned 56 in May.

That’s a Wrap (of this piece anyway) with a side of To Be Continued…

Totie is still is in my heart, and my laughter… She represents what can be accomplished when you take the lemons you are handed and transform them into a sweet glass of lemonade.

[Thumps chest and points to sky while holding a nice icy beverage]

To my inspiration… Thank you!!

Thanks for reading (and pondering with me)! -TC

Bonus Clips…

Lots of good material here. You’ll laugh a little… Cry a little… Enjoy!

It’s Ann Margret’s Solo in “Got A Lot of Livin’ To Do!” from BYE BYE BIRDIE

Ann-Margret sings ”The Littlest Lamb” on The Flintstones

Flintstones: Ann Margrock – The Boots Were Made For Walking


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