NessNotes: Flying like Hawk…

What can I say about Tony Hawk? Well he is like the “Godfather of Skateboarding.” Not only that, but this guy is still out there touring the world bringing skateboarding to the masses! He is rocking the socks off of people during tours doing off the wall tricks and changing… more »

NessNotes: Having too much fun? Blame Laird…

Greetings and beatings peeps! Here’s another tidbit for NessNotes…. Today’s topic is one of the FJTM interviewees, Laird Hamilton. While poking around on the Web, I came upon an awesome article on Laird, with great pics to boot! We all face a bit of adversity in life.  Many times we… more »

MoneyBall — More than a Baseball Story

When I read the Michael Lewis book, “MoneyBall,” my interest was the numbers-based approach to finding players being used by my local baseball team, the Oakland A’s. The reviews of the book (like this one) emphasized how author, Michael Lewis delivered “the most revealing, enlightening look ever written on how… more »

NessNotes: Aha! There’s a Blueprint for That!

I am having a most amazing adventure as I seek to learn more about “Joe” and the Hero’s Journey. I stumbled upon this link that talked about Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Seems that the driving force behind that site, Ms. Kristen Brennan, has done a lot… more »

NessNotes: Finding Jack – Part 2…

Ok, so let’s get busy chatting about “Following your Bliss.” So one of my fav peeps, the most Awesome Kung Fu Practicing Panda and one of the kicka$$ peeps doing just that is Jack Black, an uber funny and driven individual who has been following his bliss ever since he… more »