SCMF Musings: New Most Interesting Man Looks Familiar…

He owns several farm-to-market restaurants. He is a voice against bad food, as in processed, American-style junk food. He looks like…an Olympian. He is the NEW most interesting man in the world…

Jedemi QuickTake5: a Stolen Horse, an Army of Frogs, a Grandmaster, and two more…

A Sunday Times adventure featuring the G.E. sea change, a PokemonGo-like narrative adventure, saving of classic films, a footballer taking on Hollywood with an army of frogs, the Grandmaster and Netflix show –The Get Down…

SCMF Musings: Techie Pub Write-up on David Chang a Catalyst for Adventure…

The David Chang piece in Wired was enlightening and gave us a new appreciation of ramen and the power of taste memories…

AWSI: Big Kahuna Coffee Beans Require Thinking Beyond the Price…

Peet’s pushed a promo for Big Kahuna beans that also dangled a trip to Hawaii. Learned that “master of the kraft” beans have a hefty price tag. Time for some perspective…

AWSI: The Amazing Rio Race is Amusing, but…

NY Times journalists compete against each other in an “Amazing Race” sort of challenge during the Rio Games. Amusing but… read on to get our take.