Mr. Pete’s WowMeWednesday 011 PIGLET Power!

Don’t have to be a dog person to love and embrace the heartwarming tail/tale of PIGLET. Deaf, Blind AND Pink, this rescued dog lives a purposeful existence that is truly inspirational…

Mr. Pete’s WowMeWednesday 010 Ways Out!

It may start as clip-zipshare-nextup. But then, something happens and that signpost you zipped by beckons you to circle back and take a closer look. And the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be… Wow! Powerful! Inspiring! An invitation…

Mr. Pete’s WowMeWednesday 008 Freedom!

Freedom is more than “just another word,” as Mr Pete makes connections between the riders, the singers, the celebrators and the vaxers. Get ready to be Wowed…

No Ride, No Problem: Covee Joe will Get You There…

COVID appointment but no ride? Jersey folks mod their car and offer free rides. Great example of #COVIDKINDNESS