AWSI Musings: Yes Words Spill Out in Roundabout Way…

Digging the story behind the story — Yes lyrics to Roundabout inspired by road trip in Scotland. There’s more to the story too!

Introducing Jedemi “SNapkins”…

The Gang has taken over with a new form-factor to facilitate curation for the cultivation of the curious mind— the SNapkin.

AWSI Musings: McDs Shakes Things Up with Shamrock Shake-Friendly STRAW…

Who knew you needed a STRAW to fully enjoy the new limited edition Shamrock Shakes at McDonald’s? See what the team of engineers invented…

AWSI Musings: Snickers SI Swimsuit Issue Takeover is Quite Clever…

Snicker’s “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign found an awesome vehicle to garner attention — the back cover and the inside back cover of SI’s swimsuit issue…

Hire Our Annie…

Here’s why — She has the uncanny ability to enthusiastically transmit insights and information that she gleans by way of her unique, proactive approach to synthesizing knowledge from a myriad of resources…