There are two annoying phrases that are uttered whenever Tiger plays. Someone in the crowd will yell, “In the hole!” after every shot. The other, after a win, is “Tiger’s back.” On Sunday, at the Memorial golf tournament played on “Jack’s course” — Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio… more »
Looking for the No-Hitter on YouTube? MLB Says No Way!
Two days later, everyone is buzzing about Johan Santana’s no-hitter. It was the first in the Mets 50 plus years of existence. I followed the game’s progress on Twitter while BARTing back from San Francisco. Today, I decided to do a Google search to see if I can find some… more »
Ness Notes: Meet the Honey Badger of CSA (with video)…
Wow, what can I say about our next interviewee? A lot because she is awesome. In this edition of Ness Notes, I have the pleasure of presenting to you Ms. Katie Toliao. AKA “The “Honey Badger,” “The Beast,” “The Bada$$ Krav Coach,” she works outta CSA Gym, located in Dublin… more »
Oh, oh Domino! Luggage the Star of Southwest Ad…
This is fun and memorable. Now that I ear-wormed you, you can listen to the Van Morrison song here. ###
Playing with Pinterest… The Tam Pictures
Source: Uploaded by user via Annie on Pinterest