Mr. Pete’s WowMeWednesday 005

He’s singing it because we asked for it… or would ask for it if we knew he was up for a late in life, musical genre shift. The “He” is Frankie Valli and the “It” is a “Touch of Jazz.” Curious? Read on…

Not Home Alone… Creatively Connecting via COVID-driven Ingenuity

Mr Pete breaks out an essay… his first in like 20 years. His take on COVID-driven creativity and ingenuity is food for the #SCMF mind.

eJukebox Singing in the Rain…

Listen up and hear as the eJukebox cranks up another winner…

PressPause: COVID Ingenuity From Paris with Love

Mr Pete was impressed with the response to Melody Gardot’s digital invitation for contributions to her new music video “From Paris with Love.” See why here…

Mr. Pete’s WowMeWednesday 004

Jersey Shore in songs… Mr Pete’s playlist (classics!) will make you smile.