Jukebox Tunes from the DragonBustR Reader…

A recurring element of Jedemi —a companion to the napkins— is the Enchanted Jukebox which always seems to pick the right song at the right time. This post contains a roll-up of the songs appearing in the DragonBustR Reader. Enjoy!

DragonBustR Reader — 009

This week we “Hmmm-ed” some more, discovered more “invisible to the eye” proof points and rediscovered Maslow. Read on! #SCMF

WWR: Krazy Kat Takes on Invisibility…

In 1920, the Krazy Kat comic strip had an amusing take on invisibility. LOL material for sure…

SCMF Musings: More Things that Make Us Go Hmmm…

Quitters, Twitter and Mods, oh my… Check out what’s making us go “Hmmm”…

AWSI Musings: TMP is for Too Much Peyton…

He’s everywhere. There’s no escape from Number 18, as the retired Peyton Manning dominates airtime like no other endorser. And now he has a new gig — pushing out an established fav…