Another First of Note — Recording Voices Out of Studio.

In an interview with The New York Times, Gore Verbinski talked about his own fashion risk — instead of recording voice actors individually in a studio, he produced their dialogue by having them act out their scenes together.  What he described as motivation by fear, I call really, REALLY, smart…. more »

A Weekend of Firsts…

Firsts hit the box office this “first” weekend in March. Rango, an animated feature about an ordinary chameleon who accidentally winds up in the town of Dirt, a lawless outpost in the Wild West in desperate need of a new sheriff, was the first cartoon feature directed by Gore Verbinski… more »

Getting Feisty: BMW Billboard Answers Audi’s

2011 is definitely turning into an interesting year for the auto industry. No more moaning and groaning. This time, it is all about being feisty. feist·y [fahy-stee] –adjective, feist·i·er, feist·i·est. 1. full of animation, energy, or courage; spirited; spunky; plucky: The champion is faced with a feisty challenger. Yeah, it… more »

Ford Fusion Ad: Great Copy, Lousy Payoff…

There was a full page ad in The Wall Street Journal on Monday that caught my eye. It was for the Ford Fusion and the copy is really well-written. First it takes a swipe at Camry and Accord loyalists who “aren’t the folks we’re speaking to anyway.” The ad is… more »

Oatmeal: The Right Thing all Wrong…

You may have it permanently embedded in your brain that oatmeal is “the right thing to do.” That’s what Wilford Brimley told us, right? McDonald’s would like you to think so too with its “bowl full of wholesome.” But Mark Bittman of The New York Times begs to differ. In… more »