AWSI Musings: AirPods Easy Once You Know How Its Done…

Disruptive or just Apple being Apple? There’s more than meets the eye with these newly unveiled wireless earphones.

SCMF Musings: The Polymath Discovery…

So inventors are often polymathic connectors “who — by luck, design or some quirk of personality — are able to bring together knowledge from several fields.” Sounds like Jedemi…

SCMF Musings: Things that Make Us Go Hmmm…

Some of the things that made us go “hmmm” involved Honda, Xfinity, ampm, PokemonGo and Aaron Rogers…

SCMF Musings: Tiger is Back — to Sell Tickets…

Just over a week after Tiger caused a stir when he communicated that he “hoped” to compete in the Safeway Open (his first since August 2015), he has become the headliner in ticket promos.

SCMF Musings: New Most Interesting Man Looks Familiar…

He owns several farm-to-market restaurants. He is a voice against bad food, as in processed, American-style junk food. He looks like…an Olympian. He is the NEW most interesting man in the world…