General Mills Canada has teamed up with Toronto Blue Jays outfielder, José Bautista, for a cereal promotion tied to his iconic bat flip from last year’s MLB playoffs…
SCMF Musings: No Flippin’ Kidding – Joey Bats on Canadian Cereal Boxes…
SCMF Musings: Klay Sez It’s Da Yoda Socks…
The Golden State Warriors’ Klay Thompson had as amazing Game 6 and let reporters in on his secret — The Force was with him via da socks.
AWSI: Dancing Police – The Challenge Goes Viral…
The Running Man challenge has been embraced by police departments from New Zealand, to NYC, to Detroit and LA and beyond.
AWSI: Bobblehead Jinx or ‘Coinci-jinx’ ??
An injury thwarts a gold glove outfielder from playing on his bobblehead day. Famous golfer finds the going rough during his bobblehead events. What gives?
SCMF Musings: Oh My! Incomplete Quote Out-of-Context Alert…
The Gang was curious about quote in SF Chronicle related to Under Armour’s $280 million deal with UCLA. Set off to investigate and made some interesting discoveries…