AWSI: The Rio Advertising Games HAVE Begun…

While perusing AdAge, we came upon this story (Non-Sponsors With Olympic Dreams Must Beat March 27 Deadline: New Sponsorship Rules Alter Olympic Marketing Playbook). Say what? How can that be?

NVC the 030616 Edition

Playfulness and youthfulness seemed to be the themes of the week. In this edition of NVC, we’ll cover post-Oscar buzz, a seemingly ageless NHL player, and more…

What We’re Reading – the 0302 edition

February flew on by. Even with the extra Leap Day, we still didn’t get as far as we’d like on the reading front. And, of course, more interesting things snuck their way in.

AWSI: Domino’s ANYWARE and DXP Mobile Deliver…

An interview with Domino’s Pizza CIO in The Wall Street Journal made us want to stop and write about how those guys are doing all the right things in a relatively “meh” space of pizza.

NVC the 022816 Edition

Leaping’ Lizards! It’s preconceived emoticons! The big news of the week was the adding of “five new reaction” options AND the once every four years, Leap Day…