James Temple, in his Dot.Commentary column for the San Francisco Chronicle, wrote an interesting piece about Daniel Russell Google’s search scientist, who spends a lot of time observing how people interact with pages on the web. His job, as search anthropologist, includes observing and talking to users to garner human… more »
Porting Consumer Electronics Model to Cars…
The co-founder and chief executive of Tesla, Elon Musk, said some interesting things in a story appearing this week in The Wall Street Journal (Tesla Takes Luxurious Route to the Electric Car). He is betting “the best way to make electric cars a mainstream product is to follow the path… more »
They Got to Move It, Move It…
Looks like the Swedes are onto something. According to an AP story that appeared this week, for some, lunchtime equals “move it” time. Called Lunch Beat, it is an activity where workers dance to club music during their lunch hour. The very first one took place in June 2010, at… more »
Angry Birds is a Success Because…
There was an interesting article in Investor’s Business Daily yesterday (Rovio Targets Disney With ‘Angry Birds’ Space, Deals) that caught my eye. To start, chief marketing officer, Peter Vesterbacka, was quoted saying that Rovio, maker of Angry Birds, is “an entertainment company, not a game company.” He compared his company… more »
Innovation in the Corner Office…
One of my favorite columns is Corner Office which appears on Sunday in The New York Times, Adam Bryant interviewed Terry Tietzen, the CEO of Edatanetworks on March 25. There are many good ponderables in Mr. Tietzen’s responses. On Innovation: Innovation doesn’tt just happen at your desk. It happens in… more »