Mr. Pete’s WowMe 016 Crate Diggin Covs…

Got to give it up to this for these two 12-min most requested covers. Listen for yourself…

Mr. Pete’s 40th Reunion Present…

Unable to attend his high school’s 40th reunion, Mr Pete put together four (yes, 4!!) playlists to appeal to all demographics of his graduating class. Give ‘em a listen here…

Mr. Pete’s WowMeMaw 015 Another Crate Diggin Treat…

“Flip the record over,” said Granny. Puzzled? Don’t be. Mr Pete brings you a musical tribute to MeMaws that’ll have you smilin’ all day.

Charlie was a Jazz Drummer…

Did you know one of Charlie Watts jazz hero’s was Charlie Parker? Also, that he wrote and illustrated a children’s book, Ode to a Highflying Bird, as a tribute to Parker? A gentleman never forgets his roots. Read on for more about the talented Mr Watts.

Mr. Pete’s WowMe 014 Crate Diggin Aint Love…

“Ain’t love good, ain’t love proud.” Closing my eyes I try to imagine a scenario where these songs were performed / recorded. A smoky nightclub or a basement?