Remember Her Name: A TC Ponderable

This week TC offers a heartfelt ponderable inspired by the passing of an icon. “What a feeling” it’ll trigger along with the desire to sing and move…

TC’s Shopping Ponderables – Black Friday Edition…

No Thunk? That’s okay. Celebrate the Black Friday official launch of the holiday shopping season with re-purposed tunes…

Prime Time Ingenuity. A Throwback Spout. A TNF Solution…

Spout, Spout. Let it All Out. These are the things workingfans care about. Come on. I’m talking to you. Come on. Thursday Night Football to PRIME time triggers familiar complaint…

Essence of Cool: An Elvis Ponderable

There are Elvis impersonators and tribute artists. There are movies featuring and inspired by Elvis. And then there’s this essay from Mr Pete which tells an “inspired by Elvis” story. Or perhaps, it is his recollection of a childhood friend who was an Elvis Emulator. Read on. You’ll see that Mr Pete is onto something.

Mr. Pete’s WowMe 026 Whole Moon Desire Dancin…

Mr Pete offers us a joyful ponderable this Valentine’s Day / week. His reference video transcends the TV series where it appeared. View. Read (his commentary). Repeat…