Mr. Pete’s WowMe 014 Crate Diggin Aint Love…

“Ain’t love good, ain’t love proud.” Closing my eyes I try to imagine a scenario where these songs were performed / recorded. A smoky nightclub or a basement?

Charlie was a Jazz Drummer…

Was the Rolling Stones Drummer Charlie Watts, who passed away in late August, the “Cary Grant of Rock n Roll”? For sure, Mr Pete discovered that “Charlie was a Jazz Drummer” and more. Read on…

Mr. Pete’s WowMe 013 Crate Diggin Whole Thing…

When commerce meets soulful singing, what comes to mind AND sticks? Enjoy another of Mr Pete’s Crate Diggin’ adventures…

911 ponderable by Mr Pete

Mr. Pete’s Pause to Ponder the 911 edition…

Enjoy every sandwich… Mr Pete’s Ponderable brings another perspective on 911. Reflect, yes but also, take action. Read on…

Mr. Pete’s WowMeWednesday 012 Crate Diggin Wanna Go…

Triggerin’ the imagination and findin’ inspiration. This week’s WowMe follows Mr Pete as he makes some fantastical discoveries and lets us follow along his journey…