Jukebox Sez… Sing, Sing, Sing…

We posted this to Twitter and our buddy the Enchanted Jukebox gladly provided us with this. Enjoy!

AWSI: More Proof Points on ‘What’s Essential’ …

Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” in a Sports Illustrated cover story? Character being key for a team known for its sabermetrics? Curiosity-fueled discoveries abound…

SCMF Musings: More Things that Make Us Go Hmmm…

Quitters, Twitter and Mods, oh my… Check out what’s making us go “Hmmm”…

AWSI Musings: TMP is for Too Much Peyton…

He’s everywhere. There’s no escape from Number 18, as the retired Peyton Manning dominates airtime like no other endorser. And now he has a new gig — pushing out an established fav…

Hear it Now: Triple Dub Tunes…

Music was one of the common denominators for the immersive storytelling we mentioned in the Watching post. Take a listen for yourself!