Home Stream Home: Another TC Ponderable…

TC was stoked about being released. As he and Peg cross the threshold, they are making adjustments. In this post, he offers thoughts on his return to the streaming living. Enjoy! – the editor

Two weeks home and I am still not caught up.

After 3 months of linear television I have to get back into the swing of things when it comes to the cord cut 17 months ago here in my house. I could have watched on my Google Pixel, but I tried 5 minutes of MAX’s “And Just Like That” (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13819960/) and I called it day. Put the TV on MeTV .

Some Notables…

I did get wrapped up screening a few episodes of “Naked Attraction” which MAX quietly added to its service last month. “Naked Attraction” is a dating show from the UK which sole premise is to set up with dates based on an elimination process. Sounds like ABC’s “The Bachelor“. But there’s a huge difference. The set up for this show: You pick a date based on appearance first, and your pick between six possible dates, all naked (!?!). They start from the bottom, and they go up. And get this… Before the contestant chooses, they need to get naked too. In the UK, all the private parts are pixelated. On a pay streamer here in the States, you see everything (!!!). Well… At least it is not WOKE television.

More on MAX…

MAX also added the news via CNN and will up-charge for sports programming after a trial period, including any NHL games covered by TNT. Also, the TBS feed of the Phillies games (on the road to the division championship) were ca-ching!

I Want My… PlutoTV!

I returned to my “go to” free service, Pluto TV. During my retreat, the Paramount owned service added new stations to the line-up.

Paramount owns the rights to Aaron Spellings 80’s soap Dynasty. It is on 24 hours now. I am lucky to catch the many cat fights between Krystle and Alexis.

Silly fun…

Summer Movie Catch-Up…

For me, the LOST summer movie season, will be FOUND in the stream. Peacock has several Universal movies from this summer I need to catch up on. So does Hulu, Disney+, Paramount+, and MAX

That’s a Wrap!

At least, for this ponderable it’s a wrap as I’ve got much viewing ahead between sessions with Peg and her/our trainers.

Oh… and one more streaming note: I still have to find my local news**.

I am doing fine. Now for my “regularly scheduled programming” (focusing on the rest of the logistics of returning home).

[**Hint per the editor: 7@7 is available to stream online ]

Thanks for reading! (and pondering with me)! -TC

Bonus Clips…


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  1. […] has come a long way since her homecoming last October (https://jedemi.com/awsi-musings/home-stream-home-ponder/). My buddy and I refer to […]

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