Special thanks go out to the Sunday New York Times and especially writer Amy Wallace for introducing me to the Daily Grommet. It is a Web site that promotes innovation by endorsing what they call “nice companies,” ones with well-made products and impeccable service. If those products preserve a craft… more »
What Whiteboards Can Do for You…
Here are a couple of good whiteboard examples: ###
Interesting Man, Uninteresting (or Memorable) Beer…
I just revisited a story by Barbara Lippert, an advertising critic for AdWeek, that talked about male-themed potential award winners at the Cannes ad festival. She pointed to: “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” for Old Spice, “The Most Interesting Man in the World” for Dos Equis and “The… more »
Henery Hawk & the Spirit of Cooperation…
One of my favorite characters from the old Warner Brothers cartoons is Henery Hawk. I like how he is so feisty and determined. This particular cartoon shows how cooperating can help you achieve your goal. ###
Emerald Nuts Revisited
Emerald Nuts – Envious Nomads (2004) 0:15 (USA) Emerald Nuts – Egomaniacal Normans (2004) 0:15 (USA) Emerald Nuts – Encouraging Norwegians (2004) 0:15 (USA) Emerald Nuts – Extreme Nurses (2004) 0:15 (USA) ###